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November sale: 50% discount on selected products Click here 🎁

Saying goodbye to the diaper - a course for weaning from diapers easily and quickly without stress and frustration



Language: Hebrew

Original price was: ₪ 1,200.Current price is: ₪ 980.

what are you learning

Clear principles for the process
Understanding the child's psychology in the process
What is the most important thing for you to know before starting the process?
What should you buy and what equipment is important to have at home?
Empowerment exercises for the child and exercises to strengthen and connect the body

Who is the course suitable for?

Staff members for rehab age
Parent guides

The course includes

Parts: 17
Learning videos: 17
Printable course booklet
Viewing from the computer and mobile

More information

The comprehensive and complete digital course that will help you lead the child from the first stages of his interest in the process of weaning from diapers, to full weaning, without misses, while empowering and strengthening his confidence and responsibility for his body.

Directed by Shiral Pandel
מנחת הורים לגיל הרך יועצת שינה ויועצת גמילה מחיתולים אשת חינוך מזה כ-10 שנים, מלווה ומלמדת אימהות ומשפחות לעבור את שלבי החיים הראשונים עם הילדים שלהם ברוגע ובשמחה ומנהלת את מרכז "הורים בשמחה". הגעתי לכל התחום של חינוך לגיל הרך, פעוטות ויעוץ שינה מתוך צורך שהיה לי עם הילדה שלי כשנולדה, נחשפתי לעולם מיוחד ומדהים. ובעיקר, הבנתי הרבה דברים "מאחורי הקלעים" בפסיכולוגיה ובצרכים של פעוטות וילדים. אני מאמינה בגישה היקשרותית- הוליסטית ומכילה שרואה את הצורך של הילד, ומסתכלת על כל התנהגות של הילד בשורש שלה. הסוד מבחינתי זה כשאנחנו מבינים למה, למה הילד מתנהג בדרך כזו או אחרת ומה הקושי שלו, כשאנחנו מבינים את הבעיה, הפיתרון הוא כבר משחק ילדים.

Weaning from diapers as a good, close and empowering experience.


The course will give you

  • Confidence in yourself at every stage of the process with the help of a detailed plan that will be adapted to you and understood in detail,
  • Monitoring the progress and reactions in the process with the child.
  • Clear principles for the process including flexibility with the child without feeling that you are wrong or ""folding"" in front of him.
  • An understanding of the child's psychology in the rehab process and an understanding of the "behind the scenes" so that even if you encounter a situation you have not encountered before, you will know how to deal with it easily.
  • What are the most important things for you to know before starting the weaning process from diapers
  • What should you buy and what important equipment should you have at home before starting rehab?
  • When is the best time to start the weaning process from diapers
  • How should you respond to misses to help the child learn from them and prevent the next miss
  • When and if at all should you take the child to the bathroom
  • Do you remind the child to go to the toilet at all?
  • Exercises and games that bring the parent and child closer together and contribute greatly to the relationship between them and to the progress of the process of weaning from diapers
  • Exercises and games that strengthen the child's body, his control over his body and his listening to himself, something that contributes greatly and promotes the detoxification process itself


The course is divided into six stages:

  • Child psychology
  • before starting
  • where to start
  • Communication is the whole story
  • Empowerment exercises for the child
  • Strengthening exercises and connection to the body


Where is this all happening?
Right at your home, from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
This is an online course that combines recorded tutorials with practical exercises.
At a time that suits you, at a pace that suits you.

This program was born from my experience accompanying dozens of families who have passed
Weaning processes from diapers with their children easily according to this plan.
And out of a desire to spread the full sheet before you, the kindergarten team and the parents, on the topic of weaning your child from diapers.

The course provides physical and emotional tools and exercises in order to help you go through the developmental phase of weaning from diapers with your child, as a good, close and empowering experience through close communication and experiential games.

Course Content

First lesson: Child psychology
Second lesson: before you start
Third lesson: three four and..where do we start
Fourth lesson: Communication is the whole story
Fifth lesson: Empowerment exercises for the child
Sixth lesson: strengthening exercises and connection to the body
Bonus: step up

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