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November sale: 50% discount on selected products Click here 🎁

Song and activity - recitation by Bobon

Language: Hebrew

what are you learning

An introductory recitation accompanied by a melody
Suitable for starting a meeting/lesson with a new group or the entrance of a new child to kindergarten during the year
Suitable for dormitories and municipal kindergartens up to the age of 4

Who is the course suitable for?

Music teachers
Class operators
after-school operators

The course includes

Parts: 1
Learning videos: 1
Songs to download: 1
Viewing from the computer and mobile

More information

An introductory recitation accompanied by a melody.

Suitable for starting a meeting / lesson with a new group or the entrance of a new child to kindergarten during the year.

We will adjust the activity according to the age of the children, suitable for daycare centers and municipal kindergartens up to the age of 4.


את הדקלום נלווה בבובה שנבחר (בובת ילד/ילדה, דובי וכד')

Because the children identify with the doll that reflects for them what they feel and calms them down.


שיר להורדה ופעילות מצולמת וכתובה מתוך כנס פתיחת שנה "דעת שילוב אמנויות" 2024. בואי להתחדש.

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