November sale: 50% discount on selected products Click here 🎁

November sale: 50% discount on selected products Click here 🎁

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This CD includes songs and recitations full of educational and musical content, and in fact, the CD contains everything a kindergarten teacher and teacher needs for the beginning of the year in kindergarten and daycare.
Hand songs, finger songs and play songs for the meeting and the beginning of a lesson.
Morning songs and peace songs, for an optimal and pleasant start to the day.
In addition, the CD contains songs and recitations for the Tishrei holidays.

שירים בדיסק: נוסעים, אנו צועדים, ג'ירפה, קנגורו, אצבעוני, יד פוגשת יד, יש לי גוף, נמחא-נטפח דקלום, שנה חדשה, שנה טובה, ארבעת המינים, בונים סוכה, קישוטים לסוכה דקלום.

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