November sale: 50% discount on selected products Click here 🎁

November sale: 50% discount on selected products Click here 🎁

Shiral Pandel

Preschool parents' retreat
Sleep consultant and diaper weaning consultant

An educator for about 10 years,
Accompanying and teaching mothers and families to go through the first stages of life with their children calmly and happily
ומנהלת את מרכז "הורים בשמחה".

I came to the whole field of preschool education, toddlers and sleep counseling out of a need I had with my daughter when she was born, I was exposed to a special and amazing world.
ובעיקר, הבנתי הרבה דברים "מאחורי הקלעים" בפסיכולוגיה ובצרכים של פעוטות וילדים.

I believe in the attachment-holistic and inclusive approach that sees the child's need, and looks at every child's behavior at its root.

The secret for me is when we understand why,
Why does the child behave in one way or another?
And what is its difficulty?
When we understand the problem,
The solution is child's play.

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the age of the children

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