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Moving to the municipal kindergarten as an opportunity to meet my child

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Not Enrolled
NIS 98.00
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I have written here as a gift some principles and ideas from the workshop that can help you create a good and empowering separation for you and the child:

  • Preparation - emotional preparation (such as my personal example of transitions I had and how I dealt with them) and technical (such as knowing the way to kindergarten and how to eat from the lunch box) will help separation and easier adaptation in kindergarten.
  • Have a breakup - don't run away! Even if it is tempting and seems like it will save drama. The separation itself, even if it is complex, is important for the child's security, a child who is now crying because of separation is better than a child who constantly does not know when you will disappear.
  • To create communication - a discourse that both gives room for concerns and fear and also empowers and gives tools to deal with transitions throughout life.  
  • Circularity - the knowledge that we are starting a routine that will repeat itself sometimes gives security and even comfort - everyone is now going to kindergarten or work and then at noon we will all return home and you will tell me how your day was.
  • שייכות- הבית הוא הבסיס של הילד/ה שלי. לדעת את זה ולתמלל את השייכות גם כבסיס "אני פה בשבילך" וגם כחלק מהפרידה "כוווולם עכשיו הולכים-  יותם הולך לבית ספר, אביגיל הולכת לבית ספר, אבא הולך לעבודה, אמא הולכת לעבודה ואח"כ ניפגש"  
  • חיבור וביטחון- תמיד להשאיר את הילד עם מישהו או עם משהו כמו למשל משחק שהוא אוהב, לא משאירים ילדים "תלושים".
  • Give a choice in the way of parting, ideas for parting right here below.


And some ideas for saying goodbye in the morning in kindergarten:

  • Say hello from the window or from the security camera in the garden -
  • Another step on the way out of the garden gate...a gradual transition in farewell.
  • Give a hug that will stay with you until the end of the day-
  • I recommend saying that we count to 20 and count together, otherwise it really goes on forever 🙂
  • To give lots of kisses whenever you miss and want a kiss from mom or dad
  • You can take one out of your pocket and put it on your cheek.
  • Draw a picture to color together, leave the child to color and tell him to return the painted picture and hang it on the fridge. One day I found myself drawing the whole kindergarten a picture to color...get ready 🙂
  • להעביר את הילד "חבילה עוברת" לגננת. מתאים לימים שאחרי ההסתגלות שכבר נוצר קשר בין הילד לגננת.
  • להביא חפץ מעבר שיכול להיות משחק אהוב כמו בובה או טרקטור או חפץ כמו בגד של אימא שאפשר יהיה "להסניף" קצת אימא, מתאים לילדים יותר רכים.


I would love to be in touch with you!

For questions and reflections following the workshop, please contact us on WhatsApp 050-7640186


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